Monday 10 February 2014

At Your pace contd....

"Some decisions we make, some decisions make us." 
                 Now decision is nothing more than the practical print of a thought, at level of thoughts which thought is correct and which is not this filtration is done by intellect.
                 Like on a table there is a glass of water and juice which one to pick is solely your decision. Similarly, on dining table while dinner you see two recipes one your most favorite and other that you dislike the most.Undoubtedly, you will pick the favorite one. 
                     Do you see this intellect uses intellectual energy to make decisions that makes selection of thoughts on basis of which you decide a Plan Of Action and as per planning you dare to do any action that forms or deforms your presentation of thoughts in form of your behavior to the outer world on which people know you as a brave or as a leader or as any other personality.
            So guys more subtle part to thought is intellect and subtler is the energy that regulates intellect and your day to day activities like walking, speaking, seeing even while sleeping we use energy as brain works in save mode storing the useful and discarding the craps, dreaming uses energy as our pupil of eyes moves to create images that we look in dreams which is called as Rapid Eye Motion(REM). Even the person who is paralyzed uses this energy as memory is there, dreams like state is there, at least the breath is there for the person. 
                              This energy without which existence in cosmos from minuscule to giant is just imagination. It acts as fuel for the body comes from four main sources out of which first is food.

Food -> Our thoughts are not only the outcome of food we eat but also the people we live with, things that surrounds us, situations that influence us leaving multifarious impressions on our mind and type or category of materialism we are attracted to.
Let me tell you food not just a physical form that we eat but it can be anything that we hear, that we see, that we smell, that we sense as these all effects our thought patterns. 
                                               Lets make this simple knowledge more simpler by a story. 
                                   There were a renowned Pandit's family living peaceful in a city. For a reason being they need to be shifted to another street to which the corner was a shop of most famous slaughter house of the city residing for years. While shifting they complained and yelled a lot to shopkeeper telling "Now, I'm shifted here your shop will no longer be on". He keep on complaining few weeks and suddenly he noticed the stale smell of meat was gone and no longer they are bothered by it. Can you guess, what had happened. You know what the stale smell has become their food. Now they are attuned to the environment such that they accepted it living happily there. 
                                       No doubt that food gives us energy as you have noticed when you fast for long period or very frequently you end up at doctor's door for regular check ups.Let me tell you its not just food that gives energy but actually its adequate amount that we consumes and at proper time. If sometime we overeat, stomach feels heavy and like it will burst, you have often noticed after lunch getting sleepy then where is that energy gone? 
                         Even at time of fast when you intake fruits and their juices, milk and its products there is a weakness,a feel like a lazy bum unwilling to work then where is that energy?
           Why do not we continue to eat, eat and eat if gives us energy and finally why don't we end up as an electric man supplying energy of a form to where ever it is required.

That is all for the day, so far we contemplated on points:- 
Behavior(How we behave) --> 
Actions(depends on Tatvas) --> 
Thoughts(how we think)-->
Intellect(how we decide)->
Energy(Helps you work out)-->
       <-> Sources of Energy <->
         <->    Food      <->
Wait for next subtle dimension......

Thursday 23 January 2014

At Your pace contd....

Third comes the Thought because what we thinks becomes our actions this is the "Law of Attraction" whatever thing in world you want to do or you desire to achieve the whole cosmos will conspire with you for its acquisition. 
                                     Mind is responsible for the thoughts round the clock we get it is the fastest medium to travel any corner, literally any where around the universe, it can think of unimaginable things from the most creative ones to worst and worthless things, it is said by science that human mind has 65000 thoughts every single day out of which 96% are of past days and full of regrets and 3% are of future plannings and worries, that is why the yogis introduced different forms of yoga-asana and breathing techniques by operating on which we can really bring mind 100% to the present moment. 
                                            You know mind is just like the power point presentation, seriously, all the time you have slides of thoughts playing round the clock. Thoughts may be of multifarious varieties positive ,negative or no thought at all. The simplest way to get out of negative thought is just change the slide of thought to positive. 
                                        Man is outcome of thoughts you know how. Human body is wrapped inside the shell of mind what we call as Aura that is why we feel vibrations like if some one is crying or had cried we feel like crying and same for laughing.Either you control  the mind or mind will control you, that anyways mind is doing all the time, the best example is morning hours you always try or want to get early in morning for exercise or for whatever reason but your mind says lets sleep for 3 minutes, for more 5 minutes and here you ends up messy mornings.Meditation is the way to bring it cent percent in present moment.  
              This one is based on the tough saying "what you eat directly affects the way you think". Watch what you eat. The food is segregated in "Satvik", "Tamsik" and "Rajsik"(we will surely discuss some good sunny day about these three).
                                               so we end up at third point:- 
Behavior(How we behave) --> 
Actions(depends on Tatvas) --> 
Thoughts(how we think)                                                    
        Watch out for more to come.......

At your pace

         Some one asked me few days back "Don't you get angry", "Do you really get any negative thoughts". My reply was ,of course, yes. Who don't get angry even a Sanyasi gets angry on bad deeds.In Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta Krishna had told "Fear of getting into bad habits and anger on bad deeds of self will bring the renunciation in you".

                People around you know you as per your behavior, means how you behave, every person in world has his/her own way to act and react to the situation and events that happens around, the same way you have your sole nature that is running in the world, no two person will be having cent percent similar way of confronting to people, to events which he/she faces in life, its more or less like every person has their own eye retina expression or unique finger prints or unique tongue prints.
                                      Now your behavior as i told earlier is predicted as per actions you do, the way to act or react to any situation. Though it may sounds bizarre that to single situation two people acts differently. This nature of acting is decided as per the nature of three Tatvas in a person which are Satva, Tamas and Rajas. Also there is a fourth when you yourself become the Tatva.

                         Lets understand it with an example there is a person i n a room who is lying on bed with his body covered by white cloth. What you will think first, the very first thought that rise in mind is "May he is dead", but other possibilities can be "He is sleeping"  or  "He is a saint doing yog nidra" or may be similar to this it can have different perception to situation as the person's way to react by affronting to situation which becomes his behavior in world. Another example can be if i say that "India is awakened" then what are you interpreting by this. "May be the people in India are ready to bring  a certain revolution" or "It can be a new morning" or "May be people of 21st century are more aware and alert than precious ones" any thing can be prediction.

                        Till now we discussed two points behavior(how we behave) --> actions(depends on Tatvas). Do read the next..... 

Sunday 1 December 2013

Helpful hints on Meditation

  • Do not try to strain your neck or shoulder muscles during spiritual mediation, nor put any pressure on your brain, eyes and so forth. Spiritual concentration does not depend on putting pressure on any part of the body.


  •  The aim of spiritual practice is firstly and primarily to make the mind motionless so that no thought of any kind may disturb it while listening to the Sound. As the vibrations of the mind are made quite, the Sound Current will of Itself become clearer and clearer, without any need of putting pressure on the eyes, ears and brain.


  • For stilling the vibrations of the mind, all that is necessary is to repeat the five holy Names with care and attention, so that the mind does not wander. If it wanders during mediation, then a second link should be applied to it by concentrating on the form of Guru. But there is no need of putting any strain on the body .


  • Any posture in which you can remain for long would do for concentration . Frequent changes of position interfere with concentration.


  • You should not sit in meditation with excitement to see or to achieve. Then your mind is always running in excitement and it is not steady and still. Unless the mind is still and steady at the eye centre, it does not get the desired results.

Friday 29 November 2013

Death Is a Friend

               “Death teaches us not to place our reliance on the flesh but on God.
Therefore Death is a friend,” the Master said. “We should not grieve unduly about the passing of our loved ones. It is selfish to desire that they always remain near us for our pleasure and comfort. Rather, rejoice that they have been summoned to advance toward soul freedom in the new and better environment of the astral world.
                The sorrow os separation causes most men to cry for a while; then they forget. But the wise feel impelled to seek their vanished dear ones in the heart of the Eternal. What devotees lose in finite life, they find again in the Infinite.”

We have to leave this world one day, and if we are loving,

obedient disciples and have made proper preparations in this lifetime,
                we do not have the transition which we call death.
While others weep, the spiritually developed soul departs happy -

                happier than a bridegroom on his wedding day.
                                                                             - Master's , Spiritual Gems